Latest Blog Posts
Our attorneys share their insights and provide guidance on topics related to injury claims and bankruptcy in these blog posts. Stay informed of important issues that may affect you if you are struggling to get out of debt, or have been injured in a catastrophic accident, by reading our blog posts.
About Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Cases in Nebraska
Chapter 7 cases are commonly referred to as straight bankruptcy or liquidation cases and may be filed by an individual, corporation, or a partnership. What...
Paying Your Medical Bills While You Wait for a Personal Injury Settlement
Nothing seems to upset car accident victims more than discovering the negligent driver’s insurance company won’t pay their medical expenses. The Typical Scenario You’re injured...
How a Lincoln Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You Settle Your PI Claim in Nebraska
Insurance companies understand your natural aversion to lawyers and lawsuits. They will always advise you not to involve a lawyer for your personal injury claim in...
Understanding the Statute of Limitations for a Nebraska Car Accident
Most people think that lawsuits are filed immediately. This is not always the case. Circumstances, such as an injury or uncertainty about the merits of...
What You Need to Know About Distracted Driving
Each day in the U.S. about 14 people are killed and roughly 1,153 people are injured in crashes that are reported to involve a distracted...
Strategy #7: Determining What Your Claim Is Worth
Because there is no exact formula for determining fair compensation, it is important to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney about your specific circumstances...
What You Need to Know About Social Security Disability Benefits
If you have been badly injured and are unable to return to work, you need to have a basic understanding of Social Security Disability (SSD). ...
Strategy #5: Dealing with the Other Driver’s Insurance Company
When you’re dealing with the other driver’s insurance company after a car accident, you must be cautious. Small mistakes can have a serious impact on...
Strategy #6: Do You Need a Lawyer for Your Personal Injury Claim?
Don’t base your decision to use a lawyer on what the insurance agent says or the amount of money they initially offer you. You really...
Strategy #3: Covering Medical Expenses After an Accident (When You Don’t Have Insurance or Money)
Few stresses in life match the financial pressure you may be forced to endure after an accident, particularly if you can’t work for an extended...
Strategy #4: Repairing or Replacing Your Wrecked Vehicle After a Nebraska Car Crash
Car crashes can be awful. Typically, you are dealing with physical injuries and damage to your car. Your medical care usually starts in the emergency...
Strategy #1: Medical Treatment Is Vital After Any Car Accident
After a car accident, you should seek medical treatment immediately for your own well-being and your injury case. Go to the Emergency Room If the...