Latest Blog Posts
Our attorneys share their insights and provide guidance on topics related to injury claims and bankruptcy in these blog posts. Stay informed of important issues that may affect you if you are struggling to get out of debt, or have been injured in a catastrophic accident, by reading our blog posts.
Erase the Lien From Your Home or Car in Bankruptcy (Without Paying the Debt!)
Bankruptcy always discharges unsecured debt such as credit cards, medical bills, and payday loans. However, “liens” usually survive bankruptcy. So, you ask, “What the heck...
Debt Settlers Beware
If you decide to debt settle rather than file bankruptcy, you need to be aware of a loophole in the law. You have probably heard...
Collection Agency Call Logs
Steffens Law Accident Injury Lawyers provides clients with call log sheets for a couple of different reasons. Please call us for a call log at (308) 872-8327. ...
Changes in Nebraska Bankruptcy Means Test Income Limits
I. Our blog report from February 3, 2014 (What is the Bankruptcy “Means Test”) explained the bankruptcy means test. A. In November,...
Can My Creditors Sue a Co-Signer?
In some cases, in order to have a loan approved, you will need a co-signer. This is a person who will agree to be responsible...
Can a Creditor or Collection Agency Contact me at Work?
Many of our clients experience debt collection calls at their place of employment. This blog post will discuss when a creditor or third party collection...
Can I Be Thrown in Jail Because of My Debts?
No, fortunately. A person cannot be thrown in jail just for having unpaid bills, loans, or credit card debt. But, if a Nebraska debtor has...
Buckle Up – For Yourself, Your Family & Your Case
My first job out of law school was with the Adams County Attorney’s office in Hastings, Nebraska. While the courtroom experience was invaluable, the coroner...
Been Sued by a Collection Agency? (Now What?)
Once you get over the shock of being sued, there are steps you can, and should, take to protect yourself. Every defendant (that’s you) has the right to file...
Avoid the “Payday Loan” Trap
“Payday loans” are short-term, high interest loans that take a heavy toll on the unsuspecting, and should be avoided. The main problem is the sinister combination of upfront fees and interest rates...
Omaha Bankruptcy Lawyer Explains How to Recover Money Garnished by Collection Agencies
Did you know that upon filing bankruptcy in Nebraska, clients can recover money garnished by collection agencies in the prior ninety days? Don’t go at...
Are There Student Loan Debt Payment Options? Yes – Usually
Student loan debt has become a hot topic for a couple of reasons. First, it impacts the financial welfare of many students and their families....